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Everyone has lost a loved one or has seen and experienced a situation in which Another person has lost their loved one. When a situation like a death of a family Member occurs, its showed you a new lesson or two that will embedded in your mind and throughout your life. This page is constructed in Sweet Memory of my loving son GULSHAN CHOPRA. Who has crossed overy untimely to the other side. My family was one of the happiest one ever. We lived for God and we trusted in God. What we had with God was’nt a religion it’s a relationship with him. All of a sudden some Un-invited, Heart-less Butchers played a very short brutal role of Demon in our basically hard-earned lives, to drove our innocent son GULSHAN CHOPRA (infact our Shravan Kumar ), to death. A Curse has been Activated against those sinners who are the reason behind the untimely death of our son. If you did’nt know me you would think that I have never been through hard moments. Behind that artificial smile, there’s pain. Behind those big black eyes, there are tears holding back. I have to admit that my life has changed, but I’m still here dealing with this pain and wondering when is it going to go away. Evidentally Gulshan is very close to me. I can still feel him, see him but can’t touch him. I just wonder when I am going to see my loving son again. Have you ever met someone or have known someone who was liked by everyone? Not many people have, but I know I have and his name was GULSHAN CHOPRA. He was the type of person who always had a smile on his face no matter how good or bad his day was going. He was an extremely bright individual and was also an amazing character. There are many things about him that everyone remembers he had his own ways of fun. His Tinglings always brought everyone to smile. Infact Gulshan was a difference in our family. His softness was a Highlight of his character. He was a self-made and Excellent individual and was very near to be Perfect when unfortunately we lost him. A Light from our household is gone. A voice we loved is stilled. A place is vacant in our hearts which never can be filled. IT HAS BEEN AN HONOUR TO HAVE LIVED A LIFE WITH A CHARCTER LIKE GULSHAN CHOPRA. ALWAYS EXPECTING TO MEET HIM SOON !! A LOSING FATHER MUKESH CHOPRAMukesh Chopra

This memorial website was created to remember our dearest GULSHAN CHOPRA who was born in India on October 4, 1986 and passed away on July 18, 2017. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.

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